
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Youth Sports Registrations

​Summer Ball Registrations​

Registration for the Summer season is open.  Forms are due back by April 15.

2025 Ball Registration Form.pdf

T-Ball- ages 3-4,  $30
Coach Pitch - ages 5-6,  $30

Baseball League
Pitching Machine - ages 7-10, $30​
Player Pitch - ages 11-13, $30

If you have any questions, please contact Joanie Corbin at 549-3177, Jordan Bryan at 270-699-5192 or Beth Jones at 349-5429.


New Haven City Park​

The New Haven/Optimist Park consists of 2 Ball Fields (Optimist Ball Field and Paul Mattingly Ball Field), two basketball courts, a tennis court, a volleyball court, two playgrounds, a football field and a lake for fishing.

City Pool​

New Haven City PoolThe New Haven City Pool has been a community attraction since 1974. The City offers a 2 hour & 3 hour rental of the pool for parties. It can be rented on Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and/or Sunday. The cost of the rental is $150 (plus tax) for 2 hours and $200 (plus tax) for 3 hours. The party will begin at 5:30.  Two lifeguards will be on duty during the pool rental. 

You are allowed to bring decorations, food, etc. into the pool area, but all items will need to be confined to the baby pool side. If you are interested in renting the pool, contact the City Hall at 502-549-3177. If the party has to be canceled prior to the starting time due to rain/thunder/lightning, you can either reschedule or choose to receive a refund.

Lifeguard Application​​

Purchase Your Pool Pass​​

Get ready for warm weather​ by purchasing a New Haven City Pool pass online!  

The pool will open on Saturday, May 24 at 1:00.


​Pool Hours
Pool will be closed on Wednesday during day time hours, but will be available for a pool party.
Monday & Thursday Night – Family Night – 6:00-8:30

Admission Prices
$4.00 per person for ages 3 & up
$40.00 – Individual Pool Pass
$80.00 – Family Pool Pass (family of 5)  $5.00 extra for each family member over 5
If you exit the pool area, you will be required to pay again to re-enter.

Pool Parties​

​The pool can be rented on the following nights.

Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday from 5:30 to 7:30 for $150.00 plus tax or from 5:30 to 8:30 for $200 plus tax.  Please call City Hall at 502-549-3177 to book your party!

If you have any questions, comments, or complaints about the City Pool, please contact the City Hall at 549-3177.

Pay For City Pool Rental

After you've contacted City Hall to check availability, you can pay for your rental of the New Haven City Pool online.


Paul Mattingly Field

Paul Mattingly FieldIn April, 2001, one of New Haven’s major youth volunteers passed away. His name was Paul Mattingly. Paul had served the youth of the community as a coach, an umpire, a groundskeeper, etc. for more than 30 years. In July of 2001, the Board of Commissioners was approached by a former resident of New Haven, Brent Coy, requesting that some type of Memorial be considered for Mattingly. A committee was appointed and their recommendation was to rename the Little League Field. The name was changed to the Paul Mattingly Field and an archway to the entrance of the field was erected designating it as such. Several donations were received and a softball tournament was held to fund this project. No City monies were expended. While the Paul Mattingly Field is not available for rent, we do have a large picnic area that the public is encouraged to use on a first come, first served basis.​

Optimist Field

​The park encompasses 22 acres and was originally owned by the New Haven Optimist Club. The Optimists purchased 16 acres of the site for $5,400 in 1962. The main use of the park originally was for baseball and softball. In 1965 the original ball field was fenced and lights were added. In 1973 the Optimist donated 4.5 acres to the City. The purpose for the donation was to allow the City to obtain funding to develop the 4.5 acres by adding a pool. The total cost of the pool was $85,000, half of which provided by a federal grant. The pool was completed and opened in June 1974.

The city obtained funding to develop the remainder of the 4.5 acres. In 1977 a pavilion, a little league softball field, a basketball court and a tennis court was added to the City Park. The Optimist Club purchased an additional six acres for $7,000. This land contained a two-acre lake.

In the late 70’s, the Optimist Club members erected a clubhouse near the large softball field. The building is 2,640 square foot. The building was used as a banquet hall/meeting room. The front of the building adjacent to the ball field served as a concession area. The Optimist Club members dedicated this building to George G. Barry who was instrumental in development of the Optimist Park and spent many tireless hours improving the park for community use. In 2004 the New Haven Optimist Club donated all of their remaining property to the City of New Haven for recreational use. The Clubhouse can still be used as a Banquet/Meeting Room and is rented out for various family activities.


Playground equipment suitable for children 3 to 10 years of age was erected in the late 90's with donations from the Abbey of Gethsemani, Town & Country Bank and other local contributors. In 2004, a second playground set was added to the park for toddlers.

Barry Hall

In the city park you will find a 2,640 square foot building, which is referred to as "Barry Hall". This building is used by many.  ​​​The bereavement committee uses it for bereavement dinners and many citizens rent the building for various occasions. If you are interested in renting Barry Hall, please contact the office at 502-549-​3177 to check to see if it is available. The charge for the rental is $325 plus tax, which includes a $100 refundable deposit.

Pay For Barry Ha​ll Rental​

After you've contacted City Hall to check availability, you can pay for your rental of Barry Hall online.


Tessie R. Cecil Pavilion

The "Tessie R. Cecil' Pavilion is also located in the park. The pavilion is 3,240 square feet. If you are interested in renting the pavilion, please call the office at 502-549-​3177. The rental fee for the pavilion is $150.00 plus tax, which includes a $50.00 refundable deposit.

Pay For Tessie R. Cecil Pavilion Rental​

After you've contacted City Hall to check availability, you can pay for your rental of the Tessie R. Cecil Pavilion online.


New Haven City Hall
302 Center Street
New Haven, KY 40051
Office: 502-549-3177
Fax: 502-549-1002

Mailing Address
P.O. Box 98
New Haven, KY 40051